Will-Brandes biography
Will-Brandes - Will Brandes was born on January 11, 1928 in Münstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany. He was an actor, known for Hula-Hopp, Conny (1959), Das Rätsel der grünen Spinne (1960) and Tanz mit mir! (1964). He died on April 8, 1990 in Münstedt.. Date of Birth,     11January 1928,Münstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany    ,Date of Death,       8April 1990,Münstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany

Will Brandes was born on January 11, 1928 in Münstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany. He was an actor, known for Hula-Hopp, Conny (1959), Das Rätsel der grünen Spinne (1960) and Tanz mit mir! (1964). He died on April 8, 1990 in Münstedt.. Date of Birth, 11January 1928,Münstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany ,Date of Death, 8April 1990,Münstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany

Short biography Will-Brandes

Age Will-Brandes: 2016-11-25

Birthday Will-Brandes 2016-11-25

"Will-Brandes biography" famous.101sharequotes.com. 2016. http://famous.101sharequotes.com/quote/will-brandes-will_brandes_was_born_on_january-77018.

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Will-Brandes, germany,saxony,lower,biographies, biographies of famous people, biographical information, biography websites, great biographies,biography