Vivi-Ancher biography
Vivi-Ancher - Vivi Ancher was born on July 3, 1934. She was an actress, known for Panik i paradis (1960). She died on April 21, 2004.. Date of Birth,     3July 1934    ,Date of Death,       21April 2004

Vivi Ancher was born on July 3, 1934. She was an actress, known for Panik i paradis (1960). She died on April 21, 2004.. Date of Birth, 3July 1934 ,Date of Death, 21April 2004

Short biography Vivi-Ancher

Age Vivi-Ancher: 2016-11-25

Birthday Vivi-Ancher 2016-11-25

"Vivi-Ancher biography" 2016.

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