James-Garner biography
James-Garner -  Aries ABOUT Known best for his roles on the television shows, Maverick and The Rockford Files, Garner has also starred in more than fifty films. BEFORE FAME Before joining his father in Los Angeles at age 17 where he briefly worked as a model for Jantzen bathing suits, he joined the United States Merchant Marine. Before joining his father in Los Angeles at age 17 where he briefly worked as a model for Jantzen bathing suits, he joined the United States Merchant Marine. TRIVIA He played Katy Segal's father on the television show, 8 Simple Rules. He played Katy Segal's father on the television show, 8 Simple Rules. FAMILY LIFE He married Lois Clarke in 1956. He married Lois Clarke in 1956. ASSOCIATED WITH He was nominated for an Academy Award`for his role in The Notebook starring Rachel McAdams. He was nominated for an Academy Award`for his role in The Notebook starring Rachel McAdams.

Aries ABOUT Known best for his roles on the television shows, Maverick and The Rockford Files, Garner has also starred in more than fifty films. BEFORE FAME Before joining his father in Los Angeles at age 17 where he briefly worked as a model for Jantzen bathing suits, he joined the United States Merchant Marine. Before joining his father in Los Angeles at age 17 where he briefly worked as a model for Jantzen bathing suits, he joined the United States Merchant Marine. TRIVIA He played Katy Segal's father on the television show, 8 Simple Rules. He played Katy Segal's father on the television show, 8 Simple Rules. FAMILY LIFE He married Lois Clarke in 1956. He married Lois Clarke in 1956. ASSOCIATED WITH He was nominated for an Academy Award`for his role in The Notebook starring Rachel McAdams. He was nominated for an Academy Award`for his role in The Notebook starring Rachel McAdams.

Short biography James-Garner

Age James-Garner: 0000-00-00

Birthday James-Garner 0000-00-00

"James-Garner biography" famous.101sharequotes.com. 2016. http://famous.101sharequotes.com/quote/james-garner-_aries_about_known_best_for_his_-1943.

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James-Garner, married,lois,clarke,nominated,1956.,simple,academy,biographies, biographies of famous people, biographical information, biography websites, great biographies,biography