Helen-Hunt biography
Helen-Hunt - Helen Hunt began studying acting at the age of eight with her father, respected director and acting coach Gordon Hunt. A year later she made her professional debut and afterwards worked steadily in films, theatre and television.. Date of Birth,     15June 1963,Culver City, California, USA    ,Birth Name,Helen Elizabeth Hunt,Height, 57(1.7m)

Helen Hunt began studying acting at the age of eight with her father, respected director and acting coach Gordon Hunt. A year later she made her professional debut and afterwards worked steadily in films, theatre and television.. Date of Birth, 15June 1963,Culver City, California, USA ,Birth Name,Helen Elizabeth Hunt,Height, 57(1.7m)

Short biography Helen-Hunt

Age Helen-Hunt: 2016-11-25

Birthday Helen-Hunt 2016-11-25

"Helen-Hunt biography" famous.101sharequotes.com. 2016. http://famous.101sharequotes.com/quote/helen-hunt-helen_hunt_began_studying_acting-10245.

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