Avraham-Ben-Yosef biography
Avraham-Ben-Yosef - Avraham Ben-Yosef was born in 1907 in Besarabia, Romania. He was an actor, known for Lheure de la vérité (1965), Hedva VeShlomik (1971) and The Story of David (1976). He died on December 1, 1980 in Tel Aviv, Israel.. Date of Birth, 1907,Besarabia, Romania    ,Date of Death,       1December 1980,Tel Aviv, Israel

Avraham Ben-Yosef was born in 1907 in Besarabia, Romania. He was an actor, known for Lheure de la vérité (1965), Hedva VeShlomik (1971) and The Story of David (1976). He died on December 1, 1980 in Tel Aviv, Israel.. Date of Birth, 1907,Besarabia, Romania ,Date of Death, 1December 1980,Tel Aviv, Israel

Short biography Avraham-Ben-Yosef

Age Avraham-Ben-Yosef: 2016-11-25

Birthday Avraham-Ben-Yosef 2016-11-25

"Avraham-Ben-Yosef biography" famous.101sharequotes.com. 2016. http://famous.101sharequotes.com/quote/avraham-ben-yosef-avraham_ben-yosef_was_born_in_19-55632.

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