Yûko-Aoki biography
Yûko-Aoki - Yûko Aoki was born on June 30, 1963 in Wakayama, Japan. She is an actress, known for Mitsu ni nureru onna (1984), Hakui chokyo (1986) and Yume dorei (1987).. Date of Birth,     30June 1963,Wakayama, Japan

Yûko Aoki was born on June 30, 1963 in Wakayama, Japan. She is an actress, known for Mitsu ni nureru onna (1984), Hakui chokyo (1986) and Yume dorei (1987).. Date of Birth, 30June 1963,Wakayama, Japan

Short biography Yûko-Aoki

Age Yûko-Aoki: 2016-11-25

Birthday Yûko-Aoki 2016-11-25

"Yûko-Aoki biography" famous.101sharequotes.com. 2016. http://famous.101sharequotes.com/quote/yûko-aoki-yûko_aoki_was_born_on_june_30_-31509.

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