Roger-Bate biography
Roger-Bate - Roger Bate was born on May 4, 1937 in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. He is known for his work on Cal do szczescia (2001), Cube 2 (2002) and Diary of the Dead: Kroniki zywych trupów (2007).. Date of Birth,     4May 1937,Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

Roger Bate was born on May 4, 1937 in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. He is known for his work on Cal do szczescia (2001), Cube 2 (2002) and Diary of the Dead: Kroniki zywych trupów (2007).. Date of Birth, 4May 1937,Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

Short biography Roger-Bate

Age Roger-Bate: 2016-11-25

Birthday Roger-Bate 2016-11-25

"Roger-Bate biography" 2016.

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