Rand-Barker biography
Rand-Barker - Rand Barker was born on July 2, 1906. He was an actor, known for Muzyk (1962), The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) and Window on Main Street (1961). He died on January 26, 1990 in Hickory, Missouri, USA.. Date of Birth,     2July 1906    ,Date of Death,       26January 1990,Hickory, Missouri, USA

Rand Barker was born on July 2, 1906. He was an actor, known for Muzyk (1962), The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) and Window on Main Street (1961). He died on January 26, 1990 in Hickory, Missouri, USA.. Date of Birth, 2July 1906 ,Date of Death, 26January 1990,Hickory, Missouri, USA

Short biography Rand-Barker

Age Rand-Barker: 2016-11-25

Birthday Rand-Barker 2016-11-25

"Rand-Barker biography" famous.101sharequotes.com. 2016. http://famous.101sharequotes.com/quote/rand-barker-rand_barker_was_born_on_july_2_-46199.

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