Leif-Anderson biography
Leif-Anderson - Leif Anderson was born on June 18, 1974. He is known for his work on W drodze (2012), The Walk: Siegajac chmur (2015) and Im not there. Gdzie indziej jestem (2007).. Date of Birth,     18June 1974    ,Nickname, Gipper    ,Height, 510(1.78m)

Leif Anderson was born on June 18, 1974. He is known for his work on W drodze (2012), The Walk: Siegajac chmur (2015) and Im not there. Gdzie indziej jestem (2007).. Date of Birth, 18June 1974 ,Nickname, Gipper ,Height, 510(1.78m)

Short biography Leif-Anderson

Age Leif-Anderson: 2016-11-25

Birthday Leif-Anderson 2016-11-25

"Leif-Anderson biography" famous.101sharequotes.com. 2016. http://famous.101sharequotes.com/quote/leif-anderson-leif_anderson_was_born_on_june_1-28579.

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