Krisztina-Bíró biography
Krisztina-Bíró - Krisztina Bíró was born on February 17, 1970 in Budapest, Hungary. She is an actress, known for 1 (2009), Drum bun - Jó utat! (2004) and Niedziele Franciszki (1997).. Date of Birth,     17February 1970,Budapest, Hungary

Krisztina Bíró was born on February 17, 1970 in Budapest, Hungary. She is an actress, known for 1 (2009), Drum bun - Jó utat! (2004) and Niedziele Franciszki (1997).. Date of Birth, 17February 1970,Budapest, Hungary

Short biography Krisztina-Bíró

Age Krisztina-Bíró: 2016-11-25

Birthday Krisztina-Bíró 2016-11-25

"Krisztina-Bíró biography" 2016.író-krisztina_bíró_was_born_on_feb-64120.

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