Diane-Asselin biography
Diane-Asselin - Diane Asselin was born on March 11, 1941 in Detroit, Michigan, USA as Diane Dailey. She is known for her work on Princess Daisy (1983), Growing Up Together (1991) and Count on Me (1994).. Date of Birth,     11March 1941,Detroit, Michigan, USA    ,Birth Name,Diane Dailey

Diane Asselin was born on March 11, 1941 in Detroit, Michigan, USA as Diane Dailey. She is known for her work on Princess Daisy (1983), Growing Up Together (1991) and Count on Me (1994).. Date of Birth, 11March 1941,Detroit, Michigan, USA ,Birth Name,Diane Dailey

Short biography Diane-Asselin

Age Diane-Asselin: 2016-11-25

Birthday Diane-Asselin 2016-11-25

"Diane-Asselin biography" famous.101sharequotes.com. 2016. http://famous.101sharequotes.com/quote/diane-asselin-diane_asselin_was_born_on_march_-36566.

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Diane-Asselin, michigan,diane,biographies, biographies of famous people, biographical information, biography websites, great biographies,biography