Dagi-Angervo biography
Dagi-Angervo - Dagi Angervo was born on February 18, 1904 in Joensuu, Finland as Elin Dagmar Immonen. She was an actress, known for Viikon tyttö (1946), Täällä Pohjantähden alla (1968) and Piirakat (1967). She was married to Ensio Jouko and Rafael Angervo. She died on February 23, 1991.. Date of Birth,     18February 1904,Joensuu, Finland    ,Date of Death,       23February 1991    ,Birth Name,Elin Dagmar Immonen

Dagi Angervo was born on February 18, 1904 in Joensuu, Finland as Elin Dagmar Immonen. She was an actress, known for Viikon tyttö (1946), Täällä Pohjantähden alla (1968) and Piirakat (1967). She was married to Ensio Jouko and Rafael Angervo. She died on February 23, 1991.. Date of Birth, 18February 1904,Joensuu, Finland ,Date of Death, 23February 1991 ,Birth Name,Elin Dagmar Immonen

Short biography Dagi-Angervo

Age Dagi-Angervo: 2016-11-25

Birthday Dagi-Angervo 2016-11-25

"Dagi-Angervo biography" famous.101sharequotes.com. 2016. http://famous.101sharequotes.com/quote/dagi-angervo-dagi_angervo_was_born_on_februar-30221.

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