Attila-Bokor biography
Attila-Bokor - Attila Bokor is a director and actor, known for 56 csepp vér (2007), Hol volt hol nem volt (2014) and Pasja (1982). He has been married to Agnes Nyerges since July 2, 1994. They have two children.. Height, 510¾(1.8m)

Attila Bokor is a director and actor, known for 56 csepp vér (2007), Hol volt hol nem volt (2014) and Pasja (1982). He has been married to Agnes Nyerges since July 2, 1994. They have two children.. Height, 510¾(1.8m)

Short biography Attila-Bokor

Age Attila-Bokor: 2016-11-25

Birthday Attila-Bokor 2016-11-25

"Attila-Bokor biography" 2016.

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