Alejandro-Borensztein biography
Alejandro-Borensztein - Alejandro Borensztein is a producer and writer, known for Tato Diet (1988), Tato en busca de la vereda del sol (1990) and Malandras (2003). He has been married to Viviana Canosa since September 30, 2014. They have one child..

Alejandro Borensztein is a producer and writer, known for Tato Diet (1988), Tato en busca de la vereda del sol (1990) and Malandras (2003). He has been married to Viviana Canosa since September 30, 2014. They have one child..

Short biography Alejandro-Borensztein

Age Alejandro-Borensztein: 2016-11-25

Birthday Alejandro-Borensztein 2016-11-25

"Alejandro-Borensztein biography" 2016.

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