Afrique biography
Afrique - Afrique was born on February 2, 1907 in Johannesburg, South Africa as Alexander Witkin. He was an actor, known for Grand Finale (1936), Discoveries (1939) and A Night with the Stars (1950). He died on December 16, 1961 in London, England.. Date of Birth,     2February 1907,Johannesburg, South Africa    ,Date of Death,       16December 1961,London, England, UK    ,Birth Name,Alexander Witkin

Afrique was born on February 2, 1907 in Johannesburg, South Africa as Alexander Witkin. He was an actor, known for Grand Finale (1936), Discoveries (1939) and A Night with the Stars (1950). He died on December 16, 1961 in London, England.. Date of Birth, 2February 1907,Johannesburg, South Africa ,Date of Death, 16December 1961,London, England, UK ,Birth Name,Alexander Witkin

Short biography Afrique

Age Afrique: 2016-11-25

Birthday Afrique 2016-11-25

"Afrique biography" 2016.

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