Bluejaye Biographies

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#67680 Bluejaye
Bluejaye - Bluejaye is an actor..

Bluejaye is an actor.. .

#78424 Alec-Bregonzi
Alec-Bregonzi - Alec Bregonzi was born on April 21, 1930 in London, England. He was an actor, known for Zemsta Rózowej Pantery (1978), Królowa kier (1989) and Hancocks Half Hour (1956). He died on June 4, 2006 in London.. Date of Birth,     21April 1930,London, England, UK    ,Date of Death,       4June 2006,London, England, UK      (cancer)

Alec Bregonzi was born on April 21, 1930 in London, England. He was an actor, known for Zemsta Rózowej Pantery (1978), Królowa kier (1989) and Hancocks Half Hour (1956). He died on June 4, 2006 in London.. Date of Birth, 21April 1930,London, England, UK ,Date of Death, 4June 2006,London, England, UK (cancer) .


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